Nordic Bulk is proud to announce that we have received central approval from the Norwegian Building Authority for:

  • Design of structural safety in action class 2
  • Execution of installation of load-bearing metal or concrete structures in action class 2.

See document Godkjenningsbevis.PDF

Design of structural safety in action class 2

Design of structural safety in measure class 2 includes the design of load-bearing capacity and stability of measures in reliability class 2 and fire classes 2 and 3. The dimensioning is carried out according to recognised calculation methods using reliable data for ground conditions and products, and is based on standard loads and natural stresses. Examples of measures in project class 2 can be apartment buildings, office, commercial and school buildings up to 5 storeys. Medium-sized changes to the structure of buildings in project classes 2 and 3 are also included in this measure class. Other examples can be medium-sized outdoor grandstands, bridges with a span of 10-50 meters and towers with a height of 10-40 meters.

Execution of installation of load-bearing metal or concrete structures in action class 2

Execution of installation of load-bearing metal or concrete structures in project class 2 includes the installation of load-bearing metal or concrete structures in buildings or facilities in reliability class 2. This can be, for example, larger warehouse and industrial buildings or apartment buildings, office, business or school buildings up to 5 storeys. New balconies on apartment buildings that are higher than 5 storeys and support systems of steel or aluminium in lightweight roof structures are also included. Other examples can be medium-sized bridge structures with spans of 10-20 metres, towers with a height of 10-30 metres or masts with guy ropes on one level.