Sammen bygger vi fremtidens anlegg
til bergverks- og mineralindustrien

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Dette er overskriften

Vi vil møte fremtidens behov for byggeråstoff ved å lage anlegg som produserer på verdens rimeligste og reneste strøm, er selvkjørende, og har komponenter som gir deg mindre nedetid.

Dette er overskriften

Vi vil møte fremtidens behov for byggeråstoff ved å lage anlegg som produserer på verdens rimeligste og reneste strøm, er selvkjørende, og har komponenter som gir deg mindre nedetid.

Dette er overskriften

Vi vil møte fremtidens behov for byggeråstoff ved å lage anlegg som produserer på verdens rimeligste og reneste strøm, er selvkjørende, og har komponenter som gir deg mindre nedetid.

Vi vil møte fremtidens behov for byggeråstoff ved å lage anlegg som produserer på verdens rimeligste og reneste strøm, er selvkjørende, og har komponenter som gir deg mindre nedetid.

Vi vil møte fremtidens behov for byggeråstoff ved å lage anlegg som produserer på verdens rimeligste og reneste strøm, er selvkjørende, og har komponenter som gir deg mindre nedetid.

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Get in touch

Get in touch

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Nordic Bulk: Media & Text

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Subtitle er kult

Nordic Bulk: Media & Text

sdfdsfdsdfsdfsdafsakhfn dsh fkjdsn fkjsdf jdsfn dsnf kjdsnf jdsnf ds fkjdsn fdsn f dsnf ndsfn dsfn dsfnd skn f;dsa fndsfn ds;fn dsjnf dsfn ds nfdsf.

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Aktuelt – October 15 2024

Handover of new washing plant in the Bergen area by Nordic Bulk

Nordic Bulk is in the final phase of handing over a brand new washing facility to Fana Stein & Gjenvinning AS. Read More

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New crushing plant for Georg Tveit AS

Georg Tveit AS is a recognized player in the extraction of quartz in Norway. When it was decided to invest in a new crushing plant, they engaged the turnkey supplier Nordic Bulk AS. Read More

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Satisfied customers in many different industries

We have had the honor of working side by side with innovative companies in important industries. From those who build the country, to those who put food on the table and remove hazardous waste. Here is a list of some satisfied customers. Read More

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20 meter high conveyor in recycling plant (SE)

A 203 meter long, 20 meter high conveyor solved the problems of one of the Nordics’ most modern recycling facilities. Read More

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Washing plant for Feiring AS

Feiring AS is one of Norway’s leading aggregate producers. Feiring wanted to be able to use the surplus masses from its production at the plant in Nittedal and together the partners Nordic Bulk and CDE delivered. Read More

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Coarse and medium crusher with seamless flow

Meeting the needs of the future is based on trust. At Franzefoss Pukk dept. For Lia, this was the key to success. Read More

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High-tech fine crusher with protection against the external environment

With advanced sensors and a state-of-the-art control system, we built a facility that marks the transition to the digital age. Read More

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Unique shiploader that increases capacity

Rekefjord Stone receives 700 cargo ships a year. They needed an efficient and flexible loader, and there was also limited space. A challenge that triggered the engineers in Team Nordic. Read More

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Nordic Bulk: People / Team

Nordic Bulk: People / Team


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Nordic Bulk: Location

Stokkamyrveien 13
4313 Sandnes
815 493 01

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